“It’s fighting against what we feel
That causes us problems”

Josh Connolly stands as a prominent mental health advocate in the United Kingdom, recognised for his impactful presence in the media and a substantial social media following of 250,000. As a certified Breathwork Coach, his mission centre's on guiding individuals to gain deeper insights into their own selves and emotions by fostering a connection with their intuition and body. There is also a lot of energy dedicated to working through the trauma of toxic parent relationships.

Josh actively conducts resilience workshops, catering to both local village schools and international corporate giants. Additionally, he serves as a passionate ambassador for Nacoa, a national charity dedicated to providing support to those affected by a parent's alcohol consumption. Josh has supported countless people through Inner You, a six-week online course that focuses on the power of breathwork.

My Story

In December 2012, I began seriously planning my suicide.

I had just become sober, but after years of dependency and a lifetime of trauma, I was completely lost.

Back then I believed that resilience was the ability to keep going no matter what, to avoid any struggle and show up. That ideal drove me to a place where I felt the best thing to do for my children was to take my own life.

Today I have a new idea of resilience. One that is fluid, that allows me to struggle and ask for help. One that allows me to keep my head up and shoulders back in spite of my internal struggles. One that embraces vulnerability and keeps me reachable. One that helps me to understand what I feel, know what I need as a result and be able to communicate that within my activities and relationships.


Up to now there has been a generally narrow view on what it means to be resilient, which I believe has contributed to many reasons for people struggling. Through my work and lived experience, I have defined a new perspective:

Resilience is

compassion to give yourself what you need.

resilience is

the strength to accept your flaws.

Resilience is not

just about being tough

Resilience is not

just positive thinking

With over 130k followers and videos shared over 9 million times, Instagram is the number one place to access my current ideas, opinions and insights.

115 miles podcast

I co-host a fortnightly podcast with my good friend, Hasan Khair, about life, work, culture and the reality of living in today’s complex world.

Listen here: